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Home Security Alarms and Various Types of Keypads

These days as burglaries are increasing, more and more people are beginning to use home security alarms to safeguard their homes. Recently, wireless burglar alarms have become very popular. These systems are not connected using wires, making it all the more convenient for people to handle them.

Wireless home security alarms consist of components like the control panel which is considered to be the brain in the system and is generally fitted in some place that is not in the way of activity, such as a cupboard or in the basement.   The function of the control panel is to gather the signals that are sent from the various sensors that have been installed in different parts of the house.

The magnetic contacts, the contact sensors, home security cameras, remote keys and the monitoring are the other main parts of wireless home security systems.

The other important component of the wireless home security alarms is the keypad and is the device into which the codes to activate or deactivate your system are keyed in. This device is usually placed somewhere near the main entrance of the house. With technological advancements, even keypads have undergone changes making them more and more user friendly.

State-of-the-art home security keypads are extremely simple to use and generally gives you a connection to your home monitoring stations throughout the day, seven days a week and also alert you if there is any trouble brewing. These keypads can be activated with just the press of a button. Some keypads have three extra buttons in case you need the monitoring services to inform the police, the fire station, or the ambulance.

Extra keypads that have been mounted on the outside of your house can also assist in giving you and your members a keyless entry into the house. Some wireless home security alarms also offer remote control keypads that are really light and can be carried wherever you go.

Typically the keypad is the device that the members of the family will be in constant touch with. You can have more than one keypad and they are usually placed on locations like the house to garage door, front door, master bedroom door and in the car shed.

Keypads of home security systems come in different varieties depending on the alarm. Some of the different keypads are LED, LCD, ALPHA etc.

  • The LED keypad has many lights to give you an idea of the different activities such as green for ready to arm, red for armed and amber which is adjacent to a zone number to inform you about which zone is open.
  • The LCD keypad makes use of a display window that informs you if a particular zone is armed or not.
  • The ALPHA keypad can be coded to offer you a detailed description with what is happening with your home security alarm

Remember that large displays are important so that you do not have any difficulty in reading. The most important factor is that your keypad has the ability for you to key in a code for all users.


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