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Home Security Companies With The Shortest Alarm Response Time

Securing your home with a state-of-the-art home security alarm goes a long way in assuring the safety of your possessions. But you will be another victim of false security unless you use the service of the home security companies that specialize in monitoring home security systems. The best home security companies offer you reliable security at a reasonable price tag and have a very short alarm response time.

Established home security companies are well-equipped with their own sales forces and local office outlets to provide clients with all-inclusive services, including equipment and monitoring services. Most of these home security companies will want to look around your home or property before helping you decide which system will be appropriate for your security needs. They will also pin-point any possible limitations and suggest solutions that have worked well for similar challenges.

The security alarm response deserves top priority when narrowing down your search for the best home security companies in your locality. The average response time can vary a lot depending on the company that monitors your security system. When a security alarm is triggered, home security companies, who monitor homes from a local monitoring station, will respond to the alarm with their own response security; while others, who monitor homes from a remote third party station, will simply alert the police.

Alarm responses directed to the police are quite ineffectual due to the large number of false alarms triggered every day. According to a 1999 police survey in one U.S. city,  the average home alarm response time was forty-five minutes. Since then, it has become mandatory that home security companies confirm and provide a “verified response” for such security alarms before police take up the issue.

Most security companies are able to effectively respond to alarms and subsequently reduce the alarm response time to as short as five minutes. Home security companies with the shortest alarm response time are considered the best because they usually monitor home security systems from a local station and are equipped with their own security response teams. These companies will have a strict set of guidelines that they adhere to in the event of an alarm trigger, such as security fleet size, number of guards at a given point of time, home monitoring method and so forth.

In less than five minutes, these home security companies will verify the alarm and immediately notify the appropriate emergency personnel while understanding the importance of calling to ensure that your family is safe. So when choosing home security companies, go for the ones with the shortest alarm response time. Compare their guidelines and at the same time, contact your local police department to know which company’s response time is the shortest.

This is especially important if you live in a remote or secluded area, where the prospect of someone hearing the security alarm is close to nil. Add to it the long alarm response time by disreputable home security companies and you can be positive of having your property burglarized beyond belief, by the time the police arrive.


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